Shipping and Deliveries

  • Deliveries
    • Mailing address: [Your name], Princeton University, ECE [room#], 41 Olden Street, Princeton, NJ 08544-0001.
    • Campus and USPS mail: Mail is delivered daily by SEAS Mailroom Staff (8-4563) to B204 Mailroom and will be distributed to the mailboxes by staff.
    • Faculty and staff mailboxes are located in room B204.
    • Research staff, graduate and undergraduate student mailboxes are located in the 3rd Floor hallway (C&F wings). Only work related mail should be delivered to the E-Quad. Personal mail should be delivered to your home address. Mail will be forwarded one time with a reminder to please update your address. All mail will be returned to sender after it is forwarded once, no exceptions. Our address is a bulk mail address therefore you cannot file a forwarding order with the USPS.
    • Packages that are too large to fit in your mailbox will be delivered to the Purchasing Office (B317B). You will receive an email notification when your package arrives. It is your responsibility to pick the package up in a timely manner. The Department accepts no liability for personal deliveries. It is expected that personal deliveries will not impede business activity in the mailroom. Please take advantage of electronic delivery notification features provided by shippers.
  • Shipping
    • Campus mail: Campus mail can be dropped in an campus mailbox (one is located under the mailboxes in B204 and one is on the wall across the cafe). When you have campus mail that you would like delivered the same day, please print "Same Day Campus Delivery" on the mail/package and bring it to SEAS Loading Dock A134.
    • USPS: Outgoing USPS mail can be dropped off in the USPS mailbox across the cafe (C-Wing E-Quad) or at the USPS Post Office next to parking lot 2.
    • FedEx and UPS: Please contact your faculty assistant to ship via FedEx /UPS.


Mailing address:

Your Name
Princeton University
ECE [room#]
41 Olden Street
Princeton, NJ 08544-0001