Circuits bring basic electronic devices like transistors to life by combining them to realize useful functionality. In the past, circuits existed in isolated locations; today, they are pervasive, existing in outer space, underground, all around us and within our bodies. With rapidly elevating scope and sophistication, integrated circuits and electronic systems face unprecedented challenges.
Princeton, with our great breadth, is at the forefront of this research. We are designing and building billion-transistor microprocessors. We are building GHz to THz radios to communicate with and sense the world. We are building specialized circuits to accelerate machine learning and better understand the world. We are building efficient power-transformation circuits to make the world more efficient. We are leveraging novel device materials to make biodegradable computers and reduce environmental waste. We solve these challenges by harnessing the strengths of emerging devices, architectural principles and algorithms to realize new functions that will drive the next generation of applications.