
Undergraduate alumna honored with National Medal of Science
Jan. 14, 2025

Undergraduate alumna Cynthia Dwork received the National Medal of Science “for visionary contributions to the field of computer science and secure public key cryptography,” according to her citation. “Cynthia Dwork’s innovative research, analysis and discoveries on differential privacy, fairness and algorithms, and statistical validity and adaptive data analysis help guide cutting-edge technologies across modern societies and play a critical role in advancing the global public good.”

AI slashes cost and time for chip design, but that is not all
Jan. 6, 2025

Researchers have harnessed artificial intelligence to take a key step toward slashing the time and cost of designing new wireless chips and discovering new functionalities to meet expanding demands for better wireless speed and performance.

Low-cost system will improve communications among industrial machines
Jan. 2, 2025

Researchers have found a low-power, inexpensive way for large numbers of devices, such as machines in factories and equipment in labs, to share information by efficiently using signals at untapped high frequencies.