
Princeton Smart Data Pricing team wins 2014 INFORMS Design Science Award
Dec. 19, 2014
A Princeton team consisting of Prof. Mung Chiang, Sangtae Ha (Assistant Professor in CS, University of Colorado at Boulder), Soumya Sen (Assistant Professor in Business School, University of Minnesota), and Carlee Joe-Wong (PACM student advised by Prof. Mung Chiang) received the 2014 INFORMS Information Science Society Design Science award, for their research, prototyping, and deployment of Smart Data Pricing in the mobile industry.
Abbe wins First Prize at Bell Labs Prize
Dec. 19, 2014
Prof. Emmanuel Abbe, assistant professor in the department, has received First Prize at Bell Labs 2014 prize showcasing innovative ideas with the power to change communications for his proposal entitled “A Shannon Theory of Social Networks and Beyond”.
Grad Student Felix Wong wins 2014 Yelp Data Challenge Grand Prize
Dec. 19, 2014
EE Grad Student Felix Wong, who is advised by Prof. Mung Chiang, received the 2014 Grand Prize of the Yelp Data Challenge. The entry is based on the paper to appear at IEEE INFOCOM 2015: “On the Efficiency of Social Recommender Networks.” 
Gmachl and Verma research featured in news story
Dec. 19, 2014
  Prof. Claire Gmachl’s research on developing a non-invasive way to monitor blood sugar using laser as well as Prof. Naveen Verma’s research on developing technologies to make it possible to interact with computers or other electronic devices using hand gestures instead of typing on a keyboard have been featured on the main page of Princeton University. 
EE Department Hosts Open House for Freshman
Dec. 4, 2014
25 BSE Freshman visit EE during the Annual Open House
Over 500 attend HackPrinceton
Dec. 4, 2014
HackPrinceton takes over campus November 14 - 16th.
Grad Student Pierre Bouzi featured in Borough of Manhattan Community College Alumni News
Dec. 1, 2014
Pierre Bouzi grew up in Jacmel, Haiti. After graduating from high school, he moved to the Bronx, New York, to live with his sister, where he enrolled in BMCC to learn english.  He is featured in the Borough of Manahattan Community College Alumni News discussing his journey.
Grad Student Lu wins Best Paper Award at Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition
Nov. 24, 2014
EE Grad Student Chien-Hung (Luke) Lu is the recipient of a best paper award at this year’s Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition.
Grad Student Loan Le named Rising Star in EECS
Nov. 21, 2014
Grad Student Loan Le has been named a “Rising Star in EECS” by the University of California at Berkeley. She will participate in a workshop in Berkeley in November along with 40 other graduate students and postdocs where she will present her work.
Verma promoted to Associate Professor
Nov. 18, 2014
Effective July 1, 2014, Prof. Naveen Verma will hold the rank of Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering.
Wentzlaff receives DARPA Young Faculty Award
Oct. 28, 2014
Wentzlaff has received the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)’s Young Faculty Award (YFA).
Turning loss to gain: cutting power could boost laser output
Oct. 27, 2014
Tureci's research group has shown that carefully restricting the delivery of power to certain areas within a laser could boost its output by many orders of magnitude.