EE pioneer Willis H. Ware *51 has passed away
Dec. 17, 2013
Willis H. Ware *51, a pioneer electrical engineer who in the late 1940s helped build a machine that would become a blueprint for computer design has passed away at the age of 93.
Two EE Graduate Alumni Elected IEEE Fellows
Dec. 2, 2013
Two EE Graduate Alumni receive IEEE Fellow distinctions.
HackPrinceton draws over 500 students
Nov. 19, 2013
EE students participate in HackPrinceton, November 8 - 10, 2013.
Verdu appointed as Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain
Nov. 1, 2013
Prof. Sergio Verdu appointed as a Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain.
Abbe featured in New York Times
Sept. 13, 2013
Prof. Emmanuel Abbe paper "Privacy-Preserving Methods for Sharing Finanical Risk Exposures" is featured in the New York Times.
Alejandro Rodriguez joins the EE Department as Assistant Professor
Aug. 9, 2013
Join the EE Department as we welcome Alejandro Rodriguez as Assistant Professor.
Amy Wu receives Young Investigator Award
July 26, 2013
EE Graduate Student Amy Wu has been awarded a prestigious Young Investigator Award.
Prateek Mittal joins the EE Department as Assistant Professor
July 26, 2013
Join us as we welcome Prateek Mittal as Assistant Professor.
New textbook ranks high on Amazon chart
July 2, 2013
Prof. Mung Chiang's new textbook ranks #1 in Networking Books.
Chiang receives IEEE SECON Best Paper Award
July 1, 2013
Prof. Mung Chiang's paper "Making 802.11 DCF Near-Optimal: Design, Implementation and Evaluation" receives Best Paper Award.
Five EE Graduate Students Receive The Wu Prize for Excellence!
June 24, 2013
EE Grad Students, Maika Takita, Stefan Muenzel, Sonika Johri, Yingzhe and Wei Ding receive the Wu Prize for Excellence.
Two EE Graduate Students Receive Honorific Fellowships
June 24, 2013
EE Grad Students Sonika Johri and Nicolas Pegard receive Honorific Fellowships from Princeton University Graduate School.