HackPrinceton was held November 14 - 16, 2014, and it was a blast! There were over 500 attendees from Princeton and schools around the country that gathered for 36 hours of collaborative building (or 'hacking'). During the event, workshops and talks were given by leading companies such as Apple, Microsoft and KPCB. This year, the committee also hosted fun events such as bubble-wrap dance party and the breaking of a Guinness World Record for the most number of balloons inflated in a minute! HackPrinceton produced 70 amazing projects, ranging from an American Sign Language translator, to texting service that could automatically answers your questions. Top prizes were given to the following projects:
First Place Hardware Compentition:
- ASL Tegra (Princeton): quickly detect and translate letters from American Sign Language to written text. Congratulations to team member and EE student, Ethan Gordon '17!
Second Place Hardware Competition:
- Byke (Princeton): automatically shifting bicycle so you're always pedaling on the optimal gear. Congratuation to team members and EE students Ankush Gola '15 and Joseph Bolling '15!