Exciton engineering for triplet fusion upconversion, heterogeneous energy transfer, and persistent phosphorescence

Pre FPO Announcement
Feb 4, 2025, 11:00 am12:30 pm
EQUAD J323 & Zoom (see abstract for link)



Event Description

Organic semiconductors have demonstrated their commercial potential through the widespread industrial adaption of organic light emitting diodes. Underpinning this success is deep understanding and control of the exciton- a coulombically bound electron and hole. In this talk, we engineer the excitation, emission, and energy transfer of excitons to expand the functionality of organic optoelectronic devices. First, we demonstrate near-field coupling of excitons generated in an organic light emitting diode to molecules in solution. Next, we excite triplet fusion upconversion with surface plasmons to achieve unprecedentedly low threshold intensities. This approach is then applied to fabricate white organic light emitting diodes with a color rendering index of 86. Finally, we demonstrate a method to stabilize and confine triplet excitons with second-scale photoluminescence by forming small molecular aggregates within a rigid polymer matrix.

Adviser:  Barry Rand

Zoom Mtg. : https://princeton.zoom.us/j/8753936750